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Many national and provincial funding opportunities are available for all sorts of conservation and stewardship projects. Whether you choose to grow a community garden, hire a summer student or plant some trees, there is likely a funding source available. Keep checking back on this page for upcoming funding opportunities.


Funding Opportunity:


Conservation Corps NL Green Team:

The Green Team Program offers youth meaningful employment opportunities in a supportive team setting. Green Teams focus on local environmental and cultural projects developed in partnership with communities, organizations, and corporate partners.


They provide youth in Newfoundland and Labrador with skill development opportunities and employment experience through jobs relating to environmental and cultural heritage conservation.


The deadline for proposals is Friday, February 17, 2023.


Green Team Project Application


Funding Opportunity:


2Billion Trees:

In 2019, the Government of Canada committed to supporting governments and organizations in planting an additional two billion new trees over the next 10 years as part of a broader approach to nature-based climate solutions, with the goal of achieving significant carbon sequestration, GHG reductions, habitat restoration, biodiversity and increased human well-being and environmental co-benefits. The 2 Billion Trees (2BT) Program, a financial assistance program of the Government of Canada, looks to put in place agreements with proponents for new tree planting and capacity building projects.


Tree planting projects supported by the 2BT Program fall into three streams:

  • Mass Planting Stream

  • Small-Scale Planting Stream

  • Urban/Suburban Stream


Applicants can apply to the ongoing CFP process if they have the ability to plant trees as early as April 1, 2023 planting season and are:

  • a municipal or local government or one of their agencies, or a regional municipal organization;

  • a not-for-profit organization registered in Canada, such as a charitable organization, volunteer organization, community, professional, industry or other association, land conservation organization, or non-government organization;

  • a for-profit organization (legally incorporated or registered in Canada);

  • an Indigenous organization (for-profit and not-for-profit) or community;

  • organizations looking to be project aggregators (Potential aggregators should describe their concept of operations in their project description).


2Billion Trees: Applicant's Guide

2Billion Trees: Apply Now

Funding Resources​:

(listed alphabetically by name of grant)



  • Atlantic Salmon Conservation Foundation

    • ​The goal of the Foundation is to help achieve healthy and sustainable wild Atlantic salmon stocks in Atlantic Canada and Quebec through partnerships among volunteer conservation groups, Aboriginal organizations, governments and other



  • Bird Studies Canada - James L. Ballie Memorial Fund​​​

    • Granting program that includes projects by individuals and organizations that increase the understanding, appreciation and conservation of Canadian birds in their natural environment.


-C- ​​


  • Catherine Donnelly Foundation​

    • ​The Foundation will consider applications that aim to catalyze a significant increase in public support for fast and deep-reaching climate change solutions​


  • Community Waste Diversion Fund

    • The Community Waste Diversion Fund provides financial support to communities across Newfoundland and Labrador that are finding exciting new ways to reduce, reuse or recycle more waste.​



  • Community Healthy Living Fund - Children, seniors and social development

    • The Community Healthy Living Fund (CHLF) is a program that supports "The Way Forward: A Vision for Sustainability and Growth in Newfoundland and Labrador" and provides a funding opportunity to communities and organization's for projects, programs and initiatives that demonstrate direct measurable results towards the targets outlined in "The Way Forward", specifically to increase physical activity and the rate of vegetable and fruit consumption.





  • Eco-Canada Co-op Student Program

    • The Eco-Canada Co-op Student Program works with the federal government as part of Canada’s Work Integrated Learning Strategy, to help employers and post-secondary partners kick-start student career paths across Canada.



  • Evergreen Community Innovation Grant

    • ​Actively engaging Canadians in creating and sustaining healthy and dynamic urban environments in our schools, public spaces, housing and transit systems, and communities at large.





  • Echo Foundation

    • ​The Foundation's environment grants focus on Eastern Canada (Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces), with a priority given to the protection of natural areas of ecological importance.

  • Enviro-Fest Newfoundland Power​

    • ​Community-minded groups and organizations to submit proposals for support of their efforts to develop or enhance environmentally-friendly projects. Projects must demonstrate a positive impact on our environment that benefits the entire community. 



  • Federation of Canadian Municipalities: Green Municipal Fund

    • ​Through GMF, FCM supports initiatives that demonstrate an innovative solution or approach to a municipal environmental issue, and that can generate new lessons and models for municipalities of all sizes and types in all regions of Canada.


  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada: Oceans Management Contribution Program​

    • The Government of Canada is committed to conserving 25% of Canada’s oceans by 2025, working towards 30% by 2030. We are working closely with provincial, territorial, and Indigenous governments, and consulting with marine stakeholders, to conserve and protect our oceans for generations to come, while enabling our coastal communities to thrive



  • ​Give Green Canada

    • ​A publicly accessible source of information on ecological gifts and planned gifts






  • Imperial Oil Community Investment Program

    • ​Since the 1890s when Imperial donated to the fisherman’s mission of Newfoundland and Labrador we’ve been inspired by community-building organizations across Canada. We offer financial and volunteer support to hundreds of these organizations each year.

  • Iron Ore Company of Canada​

    • ​Working directly with the community is an integral part of IOC’s culture. We have been partnering with the communities in Labrador West and Sept-Îles for more than five decades and we hope to be around for that many more. In 2011, IOC opened a new office in St John’s to strengthen its relations with the Newfoundland and Labrador government.


  • Job Creation Partnerships GovNL

    • The Job Creation Partnerships (JCP) program is designed to support community-based, not-for-profit projects. These projects will provide EI-eligible participants with opportunities to gain work experience to improve their employment prospects. Project activities should benefit both the participant and the community. The primary focus of the JCP program is helping insured participants who need work experience to increase their chances of successfully finding ongoing employment.




  • Low Carbon Economy Challenge 2018

    • ​The Low Carbon Economy Challenge is part of the Low Carbon Economy Fund. It will leverage Canadian ingenuity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and generate clean growth in support of Canada’s clean growth and climate action plan, the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. This is a Canadian Federal Government Fund



  • MEC Spring and Fall Granting Program

    • ​Through our grants of up to $20,000 MEC supports the community of active outdoor enthusiasts. MEC conduct two grant cycles annually.

  • MMSB Solid Waste Management Innovation Fund​

    • ​provides financial support to innovators who are advancing sustainable waste management by finding creative ways to turn trash into treasure in Newfoundland and Labrador.

  • McLean Foundation

    • A Canadian foundation that supports community projects including the arts, conservation, healthy, and education.​​







  • Project Orange Thumb​

    • ​Help your neighborhood grow with our annual community gardening grant program 


    • The Teacher Grant Program is intended to recognize teachers who share a passion for fostering creativity through hands-on learning. 








  • Science Horizons Youth Internship Program - Government of Canada, Environment and Natural Resources 

    • ​The Science Horizons Youth Internship Program provides wage subsidies to eligible employers to hire university, college and polytechnic graduates in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

  • Small Change Fund

    • An award-winning crowdfunding platforms for Canadian grassroots organizations






  • United Way Community Fund

    • ​United Way Newfoundland and Labrador works with dozens of individuals, workplaces and government departments to raise money each year



  • Venture for Canada Atlantic Internship

    • ​Supports paid internships for Canadian post-secondary students looking to develop entrepreneurial ​with innovative Canadian companies. Rolling deadlines.



  • Wader Quest Grant Fund - Supporting Shorebird Conservation

    • ​ Investigating the status of Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable or Near-threatened wader species

    •  Attempting to further the knowledge of current Important Bird Areas (IBAs) of significant importance to waders, through breeding surveys and conducting systematic counts

    •  Investigating potential new IBAs or ornithologically little known areas for waders

    •  Conducting ecological studies of little-known wader species

    •  Educational programs, especially aimed at school children and youth to conserve and protect waders and their habitat
      Priority will be given to projects:

    •  Conducted by Nationals of the country where the activity will take place

    •  Containing an educational element, that engage with local communities and/or have an element of long-term sustainability of the project, such as training of local counterparts or raising awareness of wader conservation within the wider community

    •  Providing an improvement in the understand of the conservation needs of a under studied wader species through research

  • Wellness Coalition Grants - Newfoundland and Labrador​​

  • Wildlife Habitat Canada

    • The WHC mandate is to support applications that:

    • are relevant under the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP);

    • positively impact regional and local habitats of other migratory game birds;

    • consider the Newfoundland and Labrador Murre Conservation Fund.

  • World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Go Wild Community Grant

    • We are looking for the best ideas on how to connect people to nature in their community. Go Wild Community Grants support action-oriented projects and we invite you to be as creative as you wish. Every community is different, so we want to hear what you think are the best ways to make this happen where you live.





  • Young Leader Grant - Nature Canada

    • Project grant for Canadian youth under 30. This Women for Nature sponsored grant of $1,000 will support project implementation in the year 2019, to celebrate the role that nature plays in our Canadian culture and identity.


Action: Apply for Funding

© 2019 by Stewardship Association of Municipalities Incorporated

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