Community Litter Clean-ups
Community interest groups and individual residents can work cooperatively to remove the large quantity of litter in and around all portions of the community on a regular basis. Programs such as the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup and Clean St. John's assist communities in organizing litter cleanups. If you community needs help organizing a clean up or you want to share your clean up success story please contact us here!
Remove a Wreck - Metal Recycling
NEWCO Metal and Auto Recycling work with over 100 municipalities in Newfoundland and Labrador recycling large pieces of scrap metal including old vehicles. Work your community to remove old wrecks from our forests, waterways and wetlands.
NEWCO Metal & Auto Recycling
50 Robin Hood Bay Rd., St. John's, NL
Tel: 753-3070
Fax: 709-753-4892

Torbay Gully Clean up with
Holy Trinity High School in 2019
Keeping it Clean - Resources
Find your regional resources to keep our communities clean! Check out the list below or visit rethinkwastenl.ca to find your region and more tips on handling house house waste
Bulk Item Pick Up - Eastern Waste Management
Household Hazardous Waste - Eastern NL
Waste Recovery Facilities - Avalon Peninsula
Curb Side Recycling - Eastern NL
Public Drop Off - Central Newfoundland Waste Management
Bulk Item Pick Up - Western Regional Waste Management
Dispose of e-Waste
Providing a drop-off location for residents and local business to deposit their old electronics helps to divert potentially hazardous materials from provincial landfills. The following organizations offer options for recycling electronic waste in your community.
Recycle my Cell is a national industry initiative to raise awareness about mobile device recycling. Find out how to set up a drop-off location in your community.
Recycle MY Electronics is a program of the Electronic Products Recycling Association (EPRA), a not-for-profit organization responsible for implementing and operating an industry-led and government-approved electronic products recycling program for consumers and businesses throughout Newfoundland and Labrador.
MMSB Illegal Dumping Surveillance Program
Illegal dumping is still a problem in Newfoundland and Labrador. Dumping waste in unauthorized areas can pose a serious threat to wildlife, our clean water and soil, and can result in significance clean up costs. Multi-Materials Stewardship Board (MMSB) has an Illegal Dumping Surveillance Assistance Program funded through the Waste Management Trust Fund. Currently the program has been run in over 15 municipalities in NL. Municipalities with inquiries about the Illegal Dumping Surveillance Program can contact MMSB at:
inquiries@mmsb.nl.ca or 1-800-901-6672 (MMSB).
MMSB & Crime Stoppers
MMSB and NL Crime Stoppers have partnered to encourage residents of our province to help stop illegal waste dumping. Anyone can anonymously report suspicious activity by calling 1-800-222 TIPS (8477) or by emailing or texting Crime Stoppers. Those who call with a tip are not required to provide their names.
Crime Stoppers encourages the public to report suspicious activity involving the improper disposal of waste, including crimes in progress or details on illegal dumpsite locations. Take note of what you see and pay particular attention to:
license plate number
colour and make of vehicle
time of day
Your anonymity is guaranteed and you will not have to testify in court. Learn more at Crime Stoppers.