How To Geocache
Geocaches are an easy and affordable (sometimes free!) way to promote stewardship and conservation in your community. Geocaching is like a global treasure hunt. Cachers (those who hunt for Geocaches) sign-up either online at www.geocaching.com or on the Geocaching App and search their area for hidden objects (registered Geocaches) that are logged on a map. These Geocaches can be located at certain important areas like look-out points, walking trails or historical monuments, or they can be hidden at important places to the Cacher. Typically they share information about the the point of interest. Here's how to get started:
Set up an account at www.geocaching.com. There is an option to pay for a premium membership, but a free account will allow you to hide geocaches. A free account will let you access most information, but not everything. A premium membership allows full access, but is not required to Geocache.
Read about Geocaching 101
Time to hide your first geocache. Choose a place that you would like to draw visitors to, like a nature trail or an interpretive sign. You can buy geocaches, or use any small, waterproof container - film canisters or plastic tupperware work well. Place a log book or paper inside, so geocachers can sign their names. A geocache cannot be buried, but it should be hidden well enough to be a bit of a challenge! Take the GPS coordinates using a smart phone or a GPS unit.
Follow the instructions online to submit your geocache for review. If it is approved, it will be listed online and geocachers searching in the area will be able to find it!
Make sure to maintain your geocaches. Check your online account to see if it is being found or has been reported missing.

SAM has a Geocaching Network of Traditional and Earth Caches currently set up across Newfoundland and Labrador. Have you found any of EHJV_Stewardship/SAM_Stewardshhip's Geocaches? We have 11 published hides that can be found in the following communities: St. John's, Portugal Cove-St. Philips, Winterland (2!), Gambo, Indian Bay, Gander, Steady Brook, Flower's Cove, Mary's Harbour, and Wabush!
Types of Geocaches
There are several types of Geocaches, each identified on the map by the corresponding symbol. You can review all the Geocache types here. Here are the main types of Geocaches you will see on your map: