Insects of Newfoundland and Labrador

​Insects established on the Island of Newfoundland represent mainly post-glacial immigration from the mainland, with numerous European introductions. With Labrador representing the easternmost limits of the arctic, sub-arctic and mainland boreal regions of North America, insect assemblages in this part of the province can be unique. Currently, more than 4,700 terrestrial insects, representing 21 orders, have been recorded in Newfoundland and Labrador
Is it an insect or a spider?

Insects are the most diverse group of animals in the world and are further identified as having:
three body segments
three pairs of legs

Unique features of spiders include:
two body segments
no antennae
mouthparts are modified into fangs
spinnerets which allow them to build their webs
Nearly 300 species of butterflies inhabit Canada, and in Newfoundland and Labrador 55 species have been recorded.
Images from inaturalist.org
Overwintering Butterflies: Family Nymphalidae
This family of butterflies actually spends the winter in Newfoundland hibernating in rock and tree crevices. These butterflies have a longer life span and can live 10 months or more. We can encourage this natural behavior by creating Butterfly Shelters . These shelters can be constructed by stacking logs in piles in a backyard habitat. Landscape fabric can be used in between the layers of logs to provide even more dark, dry, and secluded cavities for butterflies to hibernate.

Some Hibernating Butterflies in NL include:
Images from thoughco.com
Comptons Tortoiseshell
Eastern Comma
Question Mark
Milbert's Tortiseshell
Mourning Cloak
TIPS for Creating a Butterfly Haven
Choose a sunny spot that is sheltered from prevailing winds
Put a light colored rock in your garden where the sun first appears to create a 'sunning' spot
Plant a diversity of blooms to attract the greatest variety of butterflies
Small space? no problem try filling planters with nectar-rich flowers
Select native flowers abundant in nectar
Include a mixture of early and late bloomers
Remember to provide a source of water for butterflies such as a shallow dish or bird bath
Butterflies prefer plants with large petals that provide a perch
They are attracted to red, orange, and yellow flowers
Remember butterflies start out as caterpillars, and most caterpillars are leaf eaters, so don't worry about a few damaged leaves
Insects of Newfoundland Facebook Page
Gov NL - Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture: Insects & Spiders

Insects fulfill many roles, and often directly or indirectly affect humans. As pollinators, they are irreplaceable for the continued viability of numerous plant species, but insects can also be vectors of disease and significant consumers of plants, some of which are important resources for people. Other insects play essential roles in nutrient cycling, biological control, and are an important food source for other animals.